Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Magic Spoon Trick posted this tip on using a frozen (cold) spoon to relieve puffiness under the eyes. While that is a GREAT tip, I can't stop laughing because of the fact that a frozen spoon applied to the neck also removes hickeys..... the things I know! lol

Carry on.
(photo from

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Those that can't eat it.....

...Rub it ALL over their bodies!! YUMMY!!! I am a lotion and shower gel whore and I can not wait to get my hands on these!! Click here to check out the yummy goodness from Dylan's Candy Bar!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chin up Buttercup!!

Via one of my BFF's, I was having a pitty party and she was doing her part to cheer me up:

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they are right, you believe lies so that you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe

Blue Print Cleanse

Have you heard of Blue Print Cleanse? As soon as I get some extra cash or a sugar daddy (Whichever happens first lol) I am going to do a 3 day foundation Cleanse. I love, love these girls and someday I am going to go on on of their retreats too!! Blue Print Cleanse have three different levels of detoxification depending on you needs. And they are Vegan too!!

For you lucky ducks in California, you get free shipping From Blue Print Cleanse for the Month of go go go to !! And tell me what I'm missing!!!
(Picture from

Monday, July 27, 2009

What is your dream?

I am feeling Inspired considering its a Monday. I just finished reading this post from Danielle at White Hot Truth and It got me thinking, what is your Dream?

I have to say I have many, but my latest one is to do makeup for tourists in Costa Rica while I surf and do yoga everyday. A simple life. I think this dream is meant to get me through the 109 heat today and the basic day to day of the urban desert I live in. But It's fun to dream!!

What's YOUR Dream?!
(Photo curtsey of , You didn't really think that was me did you? lol)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer, Summer, Summer Time

As the temperature reached 107 today, I realized that summer was half over. I miss the days of lounging around the beach, riding bikes with my friends making lemon aide when I was 12. Even though I am now an adult and have WAY too much responsibility I still try to make my summer feel like a summer vacation. This summer is filled with exercise, BBQ's, laying by the pool, vacations, mini trips home and can't forget the fabulous summer reads!! OH an who can forget all the AH-MAY-ZING summer fruit!! I am in heaven!!! Whats one of your favorite memories of summer?

Raw Food Diet for our 4 Furry Friends

And no, I don't mean the hairy ones laying by the pool. I came across this article and thought it actually sounded like a good idea. We care about what goes in our bodies why shouldn't they?

Teenager Wins Beauty Contest without showing her face

I was so excited when I saw this title. I thought, finally, Now we are making some progress!! Of Course, when I read the full article here in the Daily Contributor my heart sank a little. While I realize it is their culture to cover the face, what got me was the " all subjected to a three-month test of their dutifulness to their parents and family, and their service to society" and the completion of a psychological test. While I applaud the lack of swimsuit competition, I wonder why these beautiful young women couldn't have been judge on say being super smart, inspirational, dedicated, goal driven with a sense of humor?

Then again, look at the standards we hold OUR beauty pageant contestants to.
(Photo curtsey of

Lance Armstrong - Tour De France

Wow, Lance Armstrong takes 3rd place in his comeback race of the Tour De France. Even though I have to admit I am a little bummed, I wanted him to take first and show those doping agencies a thing or two (I mean really, an average of once a week since he came back to the sport?), I am very humbled by his graciousness of taking third place. You can read the article in the here.

Whether you are a fan or not of Lance Armstrong's, you can't deny that he is a true athlete.

(Picture courtesy of

Jon Gosselin and his 8.... mins are just about UP

During my Sunday morning ritual of cruising I came across this posting about John Gosselin. I am just besides myself. If what the tabloids are saying about him getting endorsement deals with Ed Hardy and Vitamin Water are true, then we my friends are in the wrong business. Usually if I am going to buy a product endorsed by a celebrity, it needs to at least be a celebrity that I admire, or at the very least, like - even just a little bit. That's just gross.
And FYI Vitamin water, if its true, I just stopped drinking your tasty waters which will kill me because I LOVE the Smart Water.

I don't know about you but Team Kate is looking pretty good right about now.

(Picture Courtsey of

Monday, July 20, 2009

reBlog from NonSociety - Meghan

I found this fascinating post today. The girls look great. I can forgive the shorts, but do I really have to like the dress shoes with no socks on the guys?? Is this a west coast/east coast thing?? :

DateJul 20 - 08:01am Kate and Liz were in absolute awe at the Polo attendee’s summer attire. I made the girls play sartorialist and pose with the most random outfitted gents they could find., NonSociety - Meghan

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Banana Soft Serve

I Finally bought bananas at the store yesterday and I am going to try this banana soft serve from Gena .
This recipe has been sweeping the blogs I frequent I can not WAIT to try the yummy goodness that I hope it to be!!

Picture from website

My Favorite Lip Gloss

I figured since I previously posted about lip gloss I would write down my FAVORITE Lip Gloss, well for right now anyway!

- C.O. Bigelow Mentha Lip Shine (Clear and Yummy)
- Ormedic balancing lip enhancement, by Image Skin Care The BEST stuff on earth, seriously, it's like Crack for your lips!!

Personal Trainer Tony Cress

I know what you are thinking and NO this is not a ploy for me to have Hot Beefcake on my blog (although, it does help!! lol). Tony, a personal trainer, and I met because we have the same agent. He of course being a model and me, not so much! lol After getting to know him for a couple of years, I was fortunate enough to have Tony take on the task of training me. I ended up getting sick and was unable to continue training with him, and since being ok'd to exercise again have not had the funds to hire him again. However, I must say his rates are so reasonable and he has all kinds of plans, whether group style boot camp, one on one, Internet training and meal planning there really is no excuse (except for the fact that I seem to have a traveling addiction I can't put down! lol) What I really liked about Tony and his style of training is that not only was he compassionate, encouraging and easy to talk to, he really knows his stuff, and of course shows no mercy, like any good personal trainer should do! ;) He would text me encouraging me to eat my vegetables, how is THAT for service!! And if you don't believe me that he is a genuine down to earth guy, he truly gets embarrassed every time I mention the hotness that he is!

Go visit Tony:

I am sure he is going to be super duper embarrassed I posted this picture he is the one on the left, but I did the makeup and feathers for a local magazine. - Makeup Artist

I often say that I live a secret double life. One is being a Rockstar Accounting Tech, who loves Indie Movies, camping, water, good California Wines and hanging out with my friends. My other life is a makeup artist and ALL that applies. So here is one of my lives:

Don't forget the lip gloss, you never know who you are going to meet

My Auntie Karen has ingrained in my head since I was a young girl coming of age, well actually knowing my Aunt I am sure it was more like since I was 5, that you should always leave the house looking good, even if its to the store or the gas station because you never know who you are going to meet. Now being a makeup artist and a very stubborn girl that I am, I believe you should look good for YOU. Whether you are comfortable in the bare, dewy fresh skin you born with or the Spackled on war paint that you can not leave the house without, its all about you and how you feel. I personally am a fan of fresh, breathable skin with maybe a touch of gloss. (I know, I know and yes I call myself a makeup artist! lol) The stubborn girl in me, thinks that someone should want to be with you for you and the fact that you are naturally beautiful. End. Of. Story. Then, again maybe I am tainted by my industry and have seen WAY TOO much plastic for a life time Or the fact that I am a true California girl and I think Flip-flops and Ugg's are HOT!! lol

Danielle LaPorte Author and Blogger at a blog about this subject titled Nothing says I love you like lip gloss a few days ago that I have not been able to get out of my head! I think the fact that I kind of agree with her upsets me the most! lol Whats your take on it? To Lip gloss or not?

Costa Rica Vacation and Countdown

Costa Rica. 2 weeks. With One of My best Friends. And My favorite Boy Cousin. And Me. In 5 months. Sooo excited!!
Picture Courtesy of:


Photo Courtesy of Fitnessista

I just ordered my new cookbook Living Raw Food Cookbook by Sarma Melngailis. Fitnessista turned me onto her just released cook book and I can NOT wait to try it. While I have not gone vegetarian or vegan (um, hello, I love the prime rib!), I do stay away from Dairy and try to eat as whole and clean as I can and I thought adding a bit of raw into my diet would be a new and interesting way to add in those elusive veggies. What better way then to get new raw food recipes! Sarma Melngailis is founder of one lucky duck and co-founder of Pure Food and Wine in NYC, which you better believe will be on my list of places to eat when I finally make my first trip to NYC. Fitnessista's excitement for the book as well as the Vanilla Chia Pudding (For breakfast!! Hello sunshine, you had me at pudding) sealed the deal and it HAD to be ordered!

Cirque Du Soleil sets world record In Las Vegas

I know, hard to believe that another Guinness World Record being set in Vegas, but its true. On Tuesday June 16, 2009 in honor of Cirque Du Soleil's 25th anniversary, Cirque du Soleil set out to take back the stilt walking world record. Cirque employees including artists, crew and staff in 2 states and 3 countries joined together, at the same time, to try and take over the record, one of the locations being Las Vegas. Weeks of training (and decorating of course!) went into it, and trust me when you get over 1,000 Cirque employees involved, its bound to be a party! Here in Las Vegas, they declared June 16th Cirque Day, Changed part of Las Vegas Blvd into Cirque Du Soleil BLVD, even if just for the day! And, no I personally did not walk on stilts (you swear! lol) but I was a spotter for my fellow co-workers!